
Technology that targets impact can cut deforestation

There are now hundreds of companies that have made commitments to work towards eliminating defore...

Weekly podcast: Pirelli’s sustainable rubber policy and CottonConnect on apparel supply chains

In this week’s podcast Pirelli’s group sustainability officer Eleonora Pessina on why Pirelli is ...

Financing for forest protection

For the world to achieve the climate change ambitions set by the Paris agreement, maintaining tro...

Weekly podcast: how Mars engages with complex supply chains

In this week’s podcast from Innovation Forum, Verisk Maplecroft’s Alex Channer on how to effectiv...

How technology enables impact measurement in responsible supply chains

With examples of new technologies that companies can use to see results from their sustainability...

Think big to tackle deforestation

Considering the impact of a forest – whether left standing or cut down to make way for commodity ...

Weekly podcast: the future for gene-editing in sustainable agriculture

In the new Innovation Forum podcast this week: detailed discussion on gene-editing's role in deve...

New weekly podcast: John Gummer on modern slavery in public procurement

In Innovation Forum's new regular podcast this week hear from former UK environment secretary Joh...

How do we value forests better?

We all know about the environmental benefits of trees, including their positive impact on air qua...

Is digitisation an unstoppable trend for apparel?

Few industries are as in need of more flexibility and control of production to meet ever-shifting...

How to speak to your suppliers’ suppliers on modern slavery

Richard Batten, global chief corporate responsibility officer at real estate services business JL...

How deadlines get in the way of company commitments

There is nothing quite like the pressure of time to focus the mind. And that has been the strateg...

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