
Syngenta: better value chain partnerships will benefit smallholder farmers

Roberto Vega, Syngenta’s head smallholder policy and food chain relations, talks with Innovation ...

Will ‘crop apartheid’ affect palm oil sustainability?

The European parliament’s decision to vote in favour of a ban on the use of palm oil in biofuels ...

Can plastic be frozen out of packaging sustainably?

If the UK prime minister Theresa May’s 25-year plan for the environment was designed to spur acti...

Are responsible investors taking palm oil more seriously in 2018?

Toby Webb meets with Abigail Herron, global head of responsible investment at Aviva Investors, an...

Companies driving the rise and rise of science based targets

In the two years since the UN’s Paris agreement, the business community has continued to show gre...

Bayer: business opportunities from sugar supply efficiencies

Stephen Brunner, global key relation manager, Bayer, explains to Innovation Forum’s Ian Welsh the...

Nokia: transparency breeds success when tackling human rights

Companies find themselves having to engage with emerging human rights laws and the affect on thei...

Changing human rights legal risks and what to do about them

The legal landscapes for businesses regarding human rights are in flux. In this podcast, Michael ...

Business opportunities to come from UN plastics ban?

Dovetailing the finale to the BBC’s Blue Planet 2 series, which featured a rallying cry for viewe...

Logging, land grabs and deforestation’s social impacts

A new investigation by Greenpeace has highlighted a frequently overlooked element of the deforest...

How blockchain can help tackle deforestation

In this podcast Jessica Verhagen, vice-president, business development and strategy, Ecosphere+, ...

Game-changing cocoa framework a model for other commodities?

One of the more interesting, and potentially game changing, announcements to emerge at the COP23 ...

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