
A lot less talk and a lot more action

What are the trends in company forests policy that have impressed you in the past 12 months?More ...

Millennials demand sustainability. Really?

Are so-called millennials – the demographic cohort born from around 1980 up to 2000 – more sustai...

Anti-slavery laws target supply chains

Supply-chain reporting obligations on companies are building up. Different jurisdictions are impo...

Deforestation – certification’s progress and pitfalls

A commonly-used instrument to fight many a sustainability challenge, standards, certification and...

Trends digest: how to value forests and forest products

Palm oil trend to ‘zero-deforestation’ continues  When palm oil giant First Resources announced i...

High carbon stock spat

A dispute has arisen in the world of forest product supply chains over the definition of “high ca...

Valuing sustainability: engaging data will attract smart investors

When provoked, Tim Cook can get angry. Responding to questions from shareholders at a company mee...

Pacific trade deal’s deforestation potential

Talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a giant trade pact involving the United States and 11 oth...

Forest campaigns: who is being targeted by whom – and why?

Ralph Lauren vs Rainforest Action Network  Luxury fashion label Ralph Lauren has been bearing the...

Natural capital – the metrics that matter

What are the most interesting trends at the moment in the development of sustainability measureme...

Sustainable seafood's fish fight

Great strides have been made in tackling the global problem of illegal, unreported and unregulate...

The 21st century cotton blues

With cotton prices set to fall as China slowly releases stock, and production outstripping demand...

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