
Richard Donovan, Rainforest Alliance, on business and deforestation commitments

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Miriam Swaffer, Union of Concerned Scientists, on deforestation-free commodities

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Cooperation that solves ethical trade challenges

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The limits for seafood certification

Anyone reading the latest annual report from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) could be forgiv...

Consumer communications data digest

How to help smokers quitThe decision in 2014 by US pharmacy chain CVS Health to stop stocking tob...

The forests certification debate

Consumers and sustainability – good intentions aren’t enough

Consumers have good intentions. Or at least about two-thirds of them do, according to the latest ...

Will workers win from the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) mega trade deal, now approved by 12 Pacific-rim countries, wi...

ETI's Philip Chamberlain on the state of ethical trade

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Engagement is more than just reacting to consumers

Why have corporates so far struggled to connect sustainability storytelling to consumers?Marketin...

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