
Sustainable drinks – how to reduce impacts and encourage responsibility

Beverage sector supply chain climate impactsThe global beverage sector accounts for some 0.4% of ...

Extractive sector – reports and research data digest

Asset ownership secrecy depriving states of revenueGlobal Witness is putting pressure on the Extr...

Outdoor brands – weatherproof, but in a toxic storm?

In the apparel sector as elsewhere, campaigning NGOs and consumer “watchdog” organisations have a...

Climate change top of agenda for Statoil

What is the number one priority for Statoil right now?Climate change. As the world’s population g...

Supply Chain Risk & Innovation: what's coming up?

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The biotech food fight heats up

Scepticism about food biotechnology, and in particular about genetic modification of crops, is us...

Sustainable drinks – research data digest

How to make ‘safe drinking’ a reality“Moderation” has long been the watchword of the alcohol drin...

Is the UK’s dash for biomass causing deforestation?

There are growing concerns that the UK’s burning of biomass to generate electricity – on the face...

COP21 leaves the wood in the trees

Forest campaigners are cautiously optimistic that the COP21 Paris agreement could provide a long-...

COP21: all roads now leave from Paris

The French phrase “plus ça change” – meaning the more things change, the more they really remain ...

Webinar: Danone's work on eliminating deforestation

Danone has committed to eliminate deforestation from its supply chain by 2020, which will require...

Scotch that packs a lower-carbon punch

It’s hard to overstate the importance of whisky to the Scottish economy.Figures published in earl...

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