
Natural and social capital – separating the rhetoric from the action

“Natural and social capital” are increasingly advocated as part of the corporate sustainability t...

Deep trouble from ocean acidification

Humanity has a depressing track record of abusing the oceans and the species within. The prioriti...

Bangladesh accord discord

The Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, established after the catastrophic Rana Pla...

High hopes for big data

There was a time when a tyre was a simple ring of rubber. But no longer. Italian brand Pirelli ha...

Circular economy's virtuous circle

A radical departure from the old linear “take, make, waste” production and consumption models, th...

Sustainable cotton solutions for bottom line benefit

Cotton has been associated with human development for centuries – perhaps for as much as 7,000 ye...

The thoughtful route to circularity

First the easy part: the concept of the circular economy is now well understood. Its basic princi...

Indonesia’s forest moratorium – renewed if not reformed

On 13 May, Indonesia’s president, Joko Widodo, signed a “presidential instruction” that has the e...

Circular economy collaboration conundrums

Collaboration will be at the heart of the transition to a more circular way of doing business. Th...

Sustainable sugar data digest

Harvard report lays out a sustainability transition strategySugar is one of the world’s most fami...

UK corporate country reporting – kicked on down the road

A little remarked-on footnote to the recent general election campaign in the United Kingdom was t...

Back on the development goals merry-go-round

At a UN summit scheduled to be held on 25-27 September this year, the 192 UN member states will a...

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