
How producers can demonstrate the value of resilient practices

Anastasia Volkova, CEO of Regrow, outlines to Ian Welsh the benefits for farmers who can transpar...

Landscape level challenges for cocoa and coffee in Peru

This week: Representatives from Rainforest Alliance, agriculture commodities trader Ecom and fina...

Ford’s route to electrifying commercial vehicles

Jim Gawron, manager in the Ford commercial vehicle team, talks with Ian Welsh about how electrifi...

EU food policy: the triumph of dogma over pragmatism

How we feed ourselves sustainably is one of our biggest challenges thanks to population pressures...

Will gene editing’s potential be realised in agriculture?

The Genetic Literacy Project’s Jon Entine and Innovation Forum’s Toby Webb talk about why gene ed...

Materials innovation and sustainability: 2021 business opportunities

In the face of a changing climate and ongoing resource scarcity, the sustainability of materials ...

Unintended risks tackling deforestation, and what a good supply chain tool looks like

This week: Antje Fehling from Bluesign on some techniques that help apparel companies really get ...

How to operationalise your approach to deforestation

National Wildlife Federation’s Simon Hall, senior manager for tropical forests and agriculture, t...

The road to COP26, and apparel’s upcycling opportunities

This week: Textile Exchange’s COO Claire Bergkamp on how to prepare for this year’s COP26 meeting...

The role of a sustainable commodities marketplace for procurement

Innovation Forum’s recent research into smallholder farming reached the unavoidable conclusion th...

Shining a spotlight: food sector still lacks progress on the ground

Five years on from the Behind the Brands campaign, Oxfam America’s Matt Hamilton talks with Ian W...

Real rural resilience: How to connect smallholder farmers directly to global markets

Innovation Forum’s “Innovation Accelerator” action research programme recently published ground-b...

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