
Ethical Fashion Forum’s Tamsin Lejeune on four big challenges facing the industry

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A future less sweet for smallholders?

A reform of European Union sugar beet quotas, which will take effect on 1 October 2017, has set a...

Do only affluent consumers buy green-labelled products?

The current evidence on consumer buying behaviour and sustainability issues relies on attitudinal...

When to cut the supplier ties

The suspension of Malaysia’s IOI Group from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil in early April...

Apple, RSPO, Heineken, DuPont and more

We delve into the RSPO fall out with IOI, our long-read explores the pros and cons of certificati...

Corporate human rights snapshot promised

Two years in the making, the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark has involved an international cast ...

Is krill the new palm oil? We asked Glenn Hurowitz

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Rainforest Action Network’s Lafcadio Cortesi discusses deforestation commitments and corresponding outcomes

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SupplyShift’s James Barsimantov on deforestation and going beyond certification

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Rainforest Action Network’s Lafcadio Cortesi discusses deforestation commitments and corresponding outcomes

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Rhett Butler explains his increased optimism around forest conservation

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Stephen Donofrio reflects on progress around deforestation commitments

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