The Other Room: Islands of excellence in a sea of mediocrity- is this the fate of the landscape approach?
Sustainable Commodities and Landscapes Forum
21st - 22nd October 2025 - Amsterdam
The Other Room: Islands of excellence in a sea of mediocrity- is this the fate of the landscape approach?
Across sourcing regions, you can find excellent examples of landscape approaches in action. But look closer and these are typically isolated examples with the same group of large progressive companies behind them. There remains a significant challenge to break the mainstream. So, can these approaches ever scale? Or are they always going to be reserved for the giants with excess resources?
Registration for the conference is currently open. To sign up, you can do so online here, or get in touch directly for details of group discounts.
Sustainable Commodities and Land Use Forum
Innovation Forum's flagship sustainable commodities conference is held behind-closed-doors to ensure an open, honest conversation focused on the solutions.
It is structured entirely to deliver practical debate, genuine progress and key takeaways as we continue to build and enhance sustainable commodity supply chains.