From plastics pollution to stewardship: Tackling microfibre shedding and fashion’s addiction to synthetics

15:45 - 16:25
Responsible Procurement: This track explores strategies for impactful production that ensures human rights due diligence while safeguarding human and environmental health.

Jo Mourant


Group Head of Sustainability & CR

Elliot Bland

The Microfibre Consortium


Get in touch

For any questions on the conference, please contact:

Niamh Campbell
Project Manager
[email protected]

Sign up

Registration for the sustainable apparel conference is currently open. To sign up, you can do so online here.


For more information and to inquire, please contact:

Gabriela Cuison
Business Development Manager 

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing