Collaborating for scope 3: How collective action can drive supply chain and ecosystem transformation
Collaboration is often touted as the solution. But typically, we’ve been better at talking about collaboration than actually doing it. That’s changing. We’re now seeing practical examples of pre-competitive collaboration that is driving real change within supply chains. Particularly in areas with shared suppliers where groups of companies can combine leverage, resources and finances.
This session will look at what is required to make a partnership work for all actors involved. We’ll highlight a specific case study and assess each of the steps taken to ensure success. We’ll assess what worked along the way - and what didn’t - as we uncover:
- How to get started? Who convenes? Who leads? Who follows?
- The role of collective financing in enabling large-scale supply chain transformation
- The lessons that can be taken from successful industry partnerships that can be applied elsewhere
- How to avoid slow actors and free riders from disrupting progress