
893 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

Could forced labour cost your company access to the US market?

The 2016 US Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act introduced restrictions on importation i...

Business and deforestation – are companies going to meet their supply chain commitments?

In this webinar, the findings from two new reports from Forest Trends’ Supply Change initiative a...

What are the sustainable agriculture trends that will scale?

The resulting impact on the environment is significant – but for long term food security, we need...

How innovative sustainable business tools track progress and measure impact

In this webinar, expert panellists offer different perspectives on how they use tools to manage i...

How to accelerate implementation of zero deforestation commitments

Debating what companies and their stakeholders can do are:Tom Bregman, project manager, Forest 50...

Is the new HCS approach a deforestation breakthrough?

Panel:Dr Simon Lord, group chief sustainability officer, Sime DarbyGrant Rosoman, forests campaig...

How the sugarcane industry addresses child labour

Leading the discussion:Armando Ortega, human and workplace rights director, The Coca-Cola Company...

Are land rights the key for smallholder farmers?

Leading the discussion in this webinar: Chris Jochnick, CEO and President, Landesa Kavita Prakash...

Kellogg, Bunge and EDF on how technology can secure food supply

Panel: Suzy Friedman, director, agricultural sustainability, Environmental Defense FundMegan Weid...

Third party risk assessment in the extractives sector

This latest Innovation Forum webinar focuses on third party risk assessment and how due diligence...

Improving livelihoods in the cocoa supply chain with Cargill

In the webinar we discuss the following: • What challenges are specific to the cocoa supply chain...

Mondelez, US State Dept, Climate Focus & Winrock on how public-private partnerships can support deforestation-free supply chains

Discussed are key areas of cooperation that can help companies achieve their sustainability goals...

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