
893 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

How business can transform supply chains, drive resilience and empower communities

At the recent Innovation Forum sustainable landscapes and commodities conference in London, Ian W...

Why palm oil success will mean not having to talk about deforestation

Anita Neville, senior vice president for corporate communications at Golden Agri-Resources, and I...

The rise and rise of supply chain traceability, and what plastic food packaging standards might look like

This week: Dawn Jutla from blockchain technology developers Peer Ledger on how technology is revo...

Why plastic use should be lessened not demonised

Franco Costantini, managing director of Control Union UK talks with Innovation Forum’s Ian Welsh ...

Real-time monitoring of palm oil deforestation risks

This week: Niels Wiellard, managing director of Satelligence, on how a new satellite monitoring i...

Why sustainability belongs at the centre of company operations

CB Bhattacharya, professor of sustainability and ethics at the University of Pittsburgh and autho...

Partnerships and incentives for more sustainable palm oil

Emily Kunen from Nestlé, Gotz Martin from Golden Agri-Resources and Róisín Mortimer from Earthwor...

Defining a landscape approach and why it’s so important

Justin Adams, executive director of the Tropical Forest Alliance talks with Innovation Forum’s Ia...

Palm oil traceability and farmer livelihoods, and some reasons to be positive about 2020

This week: Anita Neville, senior vice president for corporate communications at Golden Agri-Resou...

The importance of ‘active listening’ for business planning

At IFC’s manufacturing conference in Morocco, Irache Pardo, finance and treasury director for Spa...

Innovation, technology and industry 4.0: a Mexican case study

Frédéric Garcia, advisor for industry to the head of staff of the president of Mexico, and former...

Accountability Framework initiative: developing corporate deforestation and commodity commitments

In the first of a new podcast series about the Accountability Framework initiative, Rainforest Al...

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