
893 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

Why better satellite data is the key to effective deforestation action

Airbus’s head of sales, agriculture and forest solutions, Patrick Houdry, and Earthworm Foundatio...

Interventions that can really lift agriculture supplier communities out of poverty

This week: Yuca Waarts from Wageningen University on living income challenges for smallholder far...

Webinar – The future of ethical trade: what are the human rights risks that brands must address?

Recent years have seen calls for major changes in human rights due diligence and reporting gather...

Webinar – Implementing living wage policies: how Patagonia creates meaningful change on-the-ground

Over the past decade, various apparel brands have made major commitments to deliver living wages ...

The big brands that still 'do nothing' on deforestation, and Patagonia on living wages

This week: Forest 500 report authors Sarah Rogerson and Emma Thomson, from Global Canopy, outline...

Why plastic is a victim of its own success

Jo Griffiths, global food community director for the British Standards Institute – BSI, speaks wi...

Webinar – Reducing climate impacts in agriculture: How are leading food brands taking action?

In order to limit global temperatures to 1.5C, greenhouse gas emissions must fall 45% from 2010 l...

Future of fertiliser?

This week: Amy Yoder, CEO of agri-tech business Anuvia Plant Nutrients, on innovation in fertilis...

Technology that enables traceability from farm to fork

Dawn Jutla, founder and co-CEO of blockchain technology developers Peer Ledger, talks with Innova...

The global links between business, tropical deforestation and the climate crisis

This week: Nathalie Walker, director, tropical forests and agriculture at the US’s National Wildl...

Faster and clearer deforestation data for the palm oil sector

Niels Wiellard, managing director of Satelligence, discusses the potential of the new Radar Alert...

Airbus on supply chain transparency and tackling tropical deforestation

This week: Airbus’s Patrick Houdry and Earthworm Foundation’s Rob McWilliam on the development an...

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