
893 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

How better visibility can help de-commoditise supply chains

Niels Wielaard founder and CEO of Satelligence talks with Ian Welsh about initiatives that are de...

Scaling-up finance for sustainable agriculture

Victoria Crawford, manager of the Investment Partnership Network at Just Rural Transition, and fr...

What action is necessary for resilient smallholder supply chains?

Peter Stanbury, senior associate at Innovation Forum, talks with Ian Welsh about new research int...

2020 targets missed, so what now for palm oil?

This week: Eleanor Spencer, palm oil specialist at ZSL, on the latest SPOTT survey assessment on ...

Can beef be sustainable?

David Horlock, managing director for global food and retail supply chains at BSI talks with Ian W...

Will a due diligence approach impact deforestation?

This week: Nathalie Walker, director for tropical forests and agriculture at the National Wildlif...

Why action on deforestation needs facts-based trust

This week: Niels Wielaard founder and CEO of Satelligence talks about how greater traceability ca...

How can investors unlock supply chain opportunities?

This week: Victoria Crawford, manager of the Investment Partnership Network at Just Rural Transit...

How to develop common language and trust for palm oil

Ying Xuen Hoe, project manager, Proforest Southeast Asia, Rashyid Redza bin Anwarudin, head, grou...

Webinar – Real-world plastic and carton recycling solutions that work

Collection and recycling of material plays a vital part in enabling a circular economy and is an ...

Why there’s confusion about red meat’s sustainability

This week: David Horlock from the British Standards Institute talks about how to develop sustaina...

Why are landscape approaches a good fit for palm oil?

Olivier Tichit, director for sustainable supply chains at integrated palm oil business Musim Mas,...

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