
Agri-sector entrepreneurs backed by Tesco and WWF

This week: representatives of the winning projects from WWF and Tesco’s Innovation Connections pr...

How direct law enforcement prevents deforestation in Cambodia

Dr Suwanna Gauntlett, founder and CEO of anti-deforestation NGO Wildlife Alliance, talks with Ian...

Green agriculture: how fertiliser partnership makes perfect

Birgitte Holter, head of green and low carbon fertilisers at Yara, and Claes Johansson, head of s...

Dow and Mura Technology to scale advanced plastics recycling

A partnership between Dow and Mura Technology has led to the most significant commitment of its k...

How the palm oil sector is shifting from environmental to social sustainability

Ian Suwarganda, head of policy and partnerships at Golden Agri-Resources, speaks to Ian Welsh abo...

New research finds microplastics in beef and pork for the first time

US Supreme Court limits EPA authorityIn the most important climate change case to come before the...

Why net zero could be too narrow a target

At IF's Future of Climate Action Conference, Rob Cameron, global head of public affairs and ESG e...

How to address leakage and establish baselines in deforestation projects

Josh Tosteson, president of Everland, speaks to Ian Welsh about a new plan to tackle deforestatio...

Innovation Forum and IDH to partner on this year’s Sustainable Landscapes and Commodities Forum

Innovation Forum and IDH are partnering on this year’s Sustainable Landscapes and Commodities For...

How brands can create jobs for refugees in their supply chains

Nick O’Flaherty, director of UNSTUCK, and Sarah Maurer, head of new product development at Choban...

Is low carbon shipping about to take off?

Shipping is a huge industry with a huge carbon footprint, in part because the fuel that it uses –...

Renewable energy sector’s community-level human rights risks

This week: Sam Szoke-Burke, senior legal researcher at the Columbia Centre on Sustainable Investm...

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