
893 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

The $10bn interventions that can halt future pandemics

Nigel Sizer, executive director of the Preventing Pandemics at the Source coalition, and former p...

From the forest frontlines: The Mai Ndombe REDD+ project, DRC

Audio only: in this 30 minute webinar, the latest in the From the Forest Frontlines series, hear ...

From the Congo Basin: Market-driven solutions that preserve forests, tackle climate change and empower indigenous communities

In this 30 minute webinar, the latest in the From the Forest Frontlines series, hear from project...

Why a 1.5C future will displace one billion people

This week: Andrew Wallis, CEO of UK-based trafficking and modern slavery organisation Unseen, tal...

What does regenerative agriculture mean for the future of cotton production?

The concept of regenerative agriculture is being hailed as the new paradigm in sustainable supply...

Cocoa’s agroforestry potential

This week: Sebastiaan van der Hoek, forestry advisor at Cargill, talks about how agroforestry can...

How a nature-based solution can help save Papua New Guinea’s forests

At the Global Landscapes Forum in Glasgow during COP26, the Hon Gary Juffa, governor of Oro provi...

Regenerative agriculture in apparel: What does it mean for the future of cotton production?

The concept of regenerative agriculture is being hailed as the new paradigm in sustainable supply...

How better data can drive sustainable apparel supply chains

This week: Tara Luckman, advisor to the US Cotton Trust Protocol, and Dr Mark Sumner from the sch...

ConferenceWatch2: forest and nature positive approaches in action

Ian Welsh reports from the second day of the 2021 sustainable landscapes and commodities conferen...

ConferenceWatch: sustainable landscapes and commodities

Innovation Forum’s Ian Welsh reports on the opening day of the 2021 landscapes and commodities ev...

Has business finally got it on climate change?

This week: Lord Deben, chair of the UK’s Climate Change Committee, reflects on the outcomes from ...

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