
893 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

The big climate challenges for apparel and textiles

This week: Textile Exchange’s Claire Bergkamp and Beth Jenson talk about their new Climate+ strat...

How carbon finance can preserve forests and livelihoods

This week: Mike Korchinsky, founder and CEO of Wildlife Works, talks about how to use market mech...

What do farmers want from brands and buyers?

Farmers are critically important for sustainable commodities production, yet their voices are too...

Deforestation: is there too much focus on palm oil?

Announcements at COP26 have refocused attention on to the need for companies to transparently and...

Palm oil’s business-led $1bn forest restoration initiative

This week: Michal Zrust, founder of Lestari Capital, talks about the Rimba Collective, a palm oil...

Why FIFA risks a huge credibility problem in Qatar

Andrew Wallis, CEO of UK-based trafficking and modern slavery organisation Unseen, talks with Ian...

How verified standards drive carbon market growth

This week: David Antonioli, CEO of Verra, talks about how verified standards on emission reductio...

Why no one values trees more than cocoa farmers

Sebastiaan van der Hoek, forestry advisor at Cargill, discusses with Ian Welsh the potential for ...

How to source sustainable manmade textile fibres

This week: La Rhea Pepper, Claire Bergkamp and Megan Stoneburner from Textile Exchange discuss th...

The post-COP practical solutions to look for in 2022

As the dust settled from the Glasgow COP26 meetings in November, Lord Deben, chair of the UK’s Cl...

Why brands need better data to hit apparel supply chain goals

Tara Luckman, apparel sector expert, and advisor to the US Cotton Trust Protocol, and Dr Mark Sum...

2021 in review – the year that all roads led to COP26

To round off the year are extracts from some of the interviews that have featured in the Innovati...

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing