
891 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

Regenerative farming: building resilience in modern agriculture

This week: Ian Welsh recently spoke with Fabiana Furlan, head of commercial, finance and sustaina...

Sustainable apparel and textiles: towards industry alignment to achieve net zero

There’s an ongoing sustainability crisis in the apparel industry. With global inflation, climate ...

The key to a truly responsible palm oil sourcing supply chain

Chief sustainability officer at Sime Darby Plantation, Rashyid Anwarudin talks to Ian Welsh about...

Unlocking circularity: the use of technology in apparel supply chains

This week: Debbie Shakespeare, senior director, sustainability and compliance, apparel solutions,...

Future fit food for thought: on the road to long-term sustainability

Recently, the food and beverage industry has led advancements in delivering long-term sustainabil...

Lifting the curtains: ethical trade and human rights corporate regulation

Founding director and director of sustainable sourcing at Brodie partners, Georgie Erangey and Da...

Monday briefing: from COP15 and COP27 commitments to action

In this week's preview of what's coming up, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson talk a...

Collaboration to drive progress in recycled products and packaging

This week: Katherine Hofmann, sustainability strategic initiatives manager at Eastman, and Stanle...

The growing potential of agroforestry for coffee supply chains

Ben Aschenaki, delivery unit lead and rebuild facility lead at Regeneration, talks with Ian Welsh...

The future of meat debate: what are the best options for human and planetary health?

Please see here for the video recording of the webinar.The meat sector appears to be at a crossro...

The future of meat debate: what are the best options for human and planetary health?

Please see here for the audio recording of the webinar.The meat sector appears to be at a crossro...

Monday briefing: G7 and G20 to discuss climate change and energy transition

In this week's preview of what's coming up, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson talk a...

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing