
891 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

Farmer voice: how brands and buyers can help smallholders and secure supply

This week: As a preview of the 2023 future of plastics and packaging conference in Amsterdam, hea...

Climate action: charting the path to carbon neutrality

This year’s Earth Overshoot Day fell on 2nd August. This is the day when annual natural resource ...

Monday briefing: What to look for at Climate and SDG weeks

In this week's briefing, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson talk about the Sustainabl...

Human rights in the forest: How REDD+ projects strengthen human rights in partnership with Indigenous Peoples and local communities

To watch the recording as a video, click here. To watch the recording as a podcast, click here.Su...

What good corporate data measurement looks like

This week: Saif Hameed, CEO of Altruistiq, talks with Ian Welsh about the challenges in measuring...

The chemical recycling debate: is there a place for chemical recycling in a net zero and circular world?

Click here to watch the video recording.In the midst of our escalating waste crisis and the globa...

Monday briefing: temperature check on progress towards achieving SDGs

In this week's briefing, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson talk about the upcoming S...

Unpacking the future for plastics and packaging

The world is plagued by plastic pollution. Approximately 400m tonnes of plastic waste are produce...

Effective carbon market solutions: how Cambodia is tackling deforestation

This week: Say Samal, former minister for the environment and now deputy prime minister of the Ro...

How to develop resilient food value chains

JoDee Haala, director of public affairs at Christensen Farms, reflects with Innovation Forum's Ia...

The chemical recycling debate: is there a place for chemical recycling in a net zero and circular world?

Click here to listen to the recording as a podcast.In the midst of our escalating waste crisis an...

Monday briefing: charting a greener future during Zero Waste Week

In this week's briefing, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson talk about waste awarenes...

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