Intention vs. outcome: Is the crackdown on green claims getting in the way of progress?
After years of relatively unregulated communications, we’re now seeing a huge crackdown in unverified green claims in the fashion industry. But in tackling ‘greenwash’, we’re also seeing increasing evidence that ‘greenhush’ is taking hold. This threatens to hamper progress, inhibit mutual learning, and stifle innovation. How can we find the right balance?
In this session, we’ll explore the nuance in navigating transparency and enhancing brand engagement. We’ll discuss:
- Consumer trust and compliance: How improved data and supply chain traceability can substantiate claims, empower consumers, and build meaningful connections.
- Creative engagement: Practical examples demonstrating that transparent communication can be engaging and elevate brand reputation.
- Radical transparency: The importance of sharing both successes and setbacks in your sustainability journey to drive industry collaboration and amplify learnings.