Greenwash vs. Greenhush: Is the crackdown on green claims getting in the way of progress?

17:00 - 17:30
Brands are facing mounting scrutiny, driven by the EU Green Claims Directive and the relentless pressures of consumer expectations and cancel culture. While the directive seeks to enforce more precise sustainability claims, “greenhush” – brands avoiding disclosure for fear of backlash - is on the rise. This hesitancy risks stalling progress and stifling innovation. How can brands find the right balance?
We’ll conclude day 1 with a dynamic, interactive debate where everyone is encouraged to share perspectives on navigating transparency and strengthening brand engagement. Key discussion points include:
  • The challenge of avoiding greenwash: With increasingly complex supply chains, how can better data ensure brand claims are credible and authentic? 
  • How to avoid making dodgy claims: Examples of greenwash (and genuine mistakes) and how brands can avoid vague or misleading communications in their marketing
  • Honesty vs. accountability: Should brands be punished for openly admitting challenges in meeting sustainability targets, or is transparency about challenges a step in the right direction?  
  • Regulation vs. voluntary action: What will it take for brands to embrace greater transparency? Is regulatory intervention necessary, particularly in markets like the U.S.?

Sophia Legros


Vice President of Product Integrity, Compliance, and Sustainability

Zoë Richards


Director of Communications and PR

Get in touch

For any questions on the conference, please contact:

Niamh Campbell
Project Manager
[email protected]

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Registration for the sustainable apparel conference is currently open. To sign up, you can do so online here, or get in touch directly for details of group discounts. 


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Gabriela Cuison
Business Development Manager

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