Consumer buy-in: Practical steps to empower circular behaviour and strengthen brand loyalty

13:40 - 14:25
Apparel consumption is on track to reach a staggering 102 million tons annually by 2030. If unchecked, by 2050, the fashion industry could consume over a quarter of the global carbon budget (State of Fashion 2025). Both brands and consumers have a responsibility to adapt their behavior as the ‘intention-action gap’ currently prevents efficient market signaling. 
This session examines real-life examples brands have used to educate, incentivize and empower consumers to adopt more circular practices that decouple industry growth from resource-intensive production. We’ll explore the strategies which have succeeded—and how we can improve them—in promoting mindful consumption.
  • Challenging haul culture: Question industry-efforts to ‘oversell’ and explore more mindful ways to engage consumers in shopping consciously.
  • Rethink KPIs: Simplify environmental metrics for consumers, making sustainability measurable and comparable. Internally, recalibrate success metrics to reflect sustainability goals, driving team alignment. 
  • Extending garment lifespan: Explore post-sale opportunities through streamlined repair, recycling, resale and rental services.
  • Effective storytelling: How marketing teams can demonstrate that sustainability enhances experience as a compelling part of the consumer narrative

Lisa Diegel

Faherty Brand

Director of Global Sustainability

Deanna Bratter


Chief Sustainability Officer

Kim Matsoukas


Director of Sustainability

Elizabeth Keegan

Peterson Solutions

Global Sector Lead - Textiles

Get in touch

For any questions on the conference, please contact:

Niamh Campbell
Project Manager
[email protected]

Sign up

Registration for the sustainable apparel conference is currently open. To sign up, you can do so online here, or get in touch directly for details of group discounts. 


For more information and to inquire, please contact:

Gabriela Cuison
Business Development Manager

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing