Audits, AI and beyond: What else is out there to spot and tackle modern slavery in business supply chains
How business can tackle modern slavery, forced labor and human trafficking
30th April 2019 - 1st May 2019 - New York
Audits, AI and beyond: What else is out there to spot and tackle modern slavery in business supply chains
Although auditing is a common practice to aid in uncovering cases of modern slavery, there are practical limitations. The process of uncovering cases in multi-tiered supply chains all over the world can be a complex task. As such, companies should consider incorporating new and innovative technology and practices into the traditional monitoring process. This session will discuss useful tools to use alongside audits, to make the process of uncovering modern slavery more efficient and effective. We will focus on:
How AI can be integrated into the fight to eradicate modern slavery from corporate supply chains
How can you ensure that accurate findings are found during an audit?
How often should supply chains be audited and monitored?