
Bayer on the technology that can ensure future food security

Ronald Guendal, Bayer Crop Science’s global head of food security and advocacy, talks with Innova...

GM’s evolving engagement on operational and product efficiencies

This week: Telva McGruder, director, workplace engineering and operations solutions at General Mo...

How to preserve and restore degraded Sumatran forests

This week: APRIL’s Brad Sanders explains to Innovation Forum’s Toby Webb what the pulp and paper ...

Is sustainability innovation the route to saving capitalism?

The case for innovation in business has never been more compelling. A rapidly changing market env...

Could political economy analysis have saved Indonesia's palm oil pledge?

Peter Stanbury, principal of Frontier Practice, talks with Toby Webb about how thinking about pol...

Bayer on the innovations that drive food sector security

This week: Ronald Guendel, Bayer Crop Science’s global head of food security and advocacy, on the...

Satelligence on how data analysis has tracked the Amazon fires

Niels Wielaard, co-founder and CEO of Satelligence, explains to Innovation Forum’s Ian Welsh how ...

Soy’s evolving sustainability story

The media spotlight provided by this summer’s Amazon fires has refocused attention on the links b...

How standards counter food fraud and supply chain fragility

This week: David Horlock, managing director for global food and retail supply chains at BSI, demo...

Why food companies must innovate to cut impact

Jon Dettling, global director for services and innovation at Quantis, and Innovation Forum’s Ian ...

The story behind the Amazon fires

This week: Niels Wiellard from Satelligence on how satellite data analysis can provide crucial de...

Plastics Oceans UK on how to avoid unintended consequences of switching from plastic

Simon Usher, CEO of Plastics Oceans UK, talks with Ian Welsh about some of the changes in public ...

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