
893 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

Weekly podcast: Danone on what’s driving sustainability in agriculture

This week: Mariano Lozano, CEO of Danone North America, speaks to Toby Webb about making the busi...

Veja on how to look for better suppliers

François-Ghislain Morillion, co-founder of trainer brand Veja, explains to Innovation Forum's Ian...

Why personal contact helps tackle food sector point-of-recruitment slavery risks

Vanessa Di Cuffa, UK people change director, ABP Food, talks with Ian Welsh about how modern slav...

How to develop the best apparel factories, and learn from the process

Sebastian Siegele, managing director of Sustainability Agents (SUSA), discusses with Innovation F...

Weekly podcast: How to tackle apparel’s deforestation risks, and the future for lower-impact PVC

This week: Antonio Brunori, secretary-general of PEFC Italy, explains to Ian Welsh how the Forest...

Rana Plaza six years on: what next for apparel supply chains in Bangladesh?

David Schilling, senior programme director at the Interfaith Centre on Corporate Responsibility, ...

How development finance can help fashion brands and their suppliers

Sabine Schlorke, global manufacturing manager at the International Finance Corporation talks with...

Blockchain’s modern slavery transparency solutions

Mark Blick, head of government solutions at Diginex, explains to Ian Welsh how blockchain can hel...

Weekly podcast: Hugo Boss on supply chain transparency and the challenges of industry 4.0 automation

This week: Andreas Streubig from Hugo Boss discusses how pre-competitive collaboration can work t...

Why peer collaboration on auditing works

Yves Nissim, vice-president and head of transformation and operations in CSR for Orange, discusse...

How corporate transparency on modern slavery drives change

Jaya Chakrabarti, founder of TISC Report, talks with Ian Welsh about her work analysing data on c...

Weekly podcast: what business leaders need to know to drive innovation and productivity

This week: Tensie Whelan, former Rainforest Alliance president and now professor at Stern School ...

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing