
893 results for "ian welsh" (reset search)

Dupont on apparel sector circular economy models

This week: Renee Henze, global marketing and channel development director, Dupont Biomaterials, t...

Farm environmental impact: innovation and progress in animal agriculture

In this webinar, the panel discusses the pressing need within the food and agriculture industry t...

Why business must develop human rights with recourse

This week: Drew Northern from US-based Cook Group describes the importance of establishing effect...

Tracking food supply chains to develop pandemic response

Bryan Yates, general manager and director of sales for Europe, Middle East and Africa at Orbital ...

The forest fibre potential for the apparel sector

This week: Andrés Ortolano, FSC Italy chain of custody manager, and Ruth Farrell, textiles market...

How the pandemic should be managed to minimise human rights impact

Phil Bloomer, executive director of the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, talks with Inn...

H&M and Puma on apparel’s low carbon future

This week: H&M’s Pascal Brun and Puma Group’s Stefan Seidel debate action on climate change a...

Webinar – Companies as human rights defenders: the future of ethical trade?

In this session, an expert panel discusses the opportunity for business to act as human rights de...

Webinar – Supplier engagement and training on human rights: How to scale programs across supply chains

Working with suppliers is key to implementing human rights policy, and driving greater understand...

How geospatial data analysis can track pandemic impacts on food supply chains

This week: Bryan Yates, general manager and director of sales for Europe, Middle East and Africa ...

Webinar – Human rights legislation and worldwide compliance: How to keep ahead of the regulatory curve

With continually evolving regulatory growth, international compliance has become all the more com...

Webinar – Child labour monitoring and remediation: How are corporate approaches evolving?

The effective abolition of child labour is one of the 10 UN Global Compact principles aiming to p...

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Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing