
Climate change: why business must now adapt in 2022

As the world looks forward to the year ahead, it is already clear that climate change will be one...

Why no one values trees more than cocoa farmers

Sebastiaan van der Hoek, forestry advisor at Cargill, discusses with Ian Welsh the potential for ...

How to source sustainable manmade textile fibres

This week: La Rhea Pepper, Claire Bergkamp and Megan Stoneburner from Textile Exchange discuss th...

Why brands need better data to hit apparel supply chain goals

Tara Luckman, apparel sector expert, and advisor to the US Cotton Trust Protocol, and Dr Mark Sum...

The post-COP practical solutions to look for in 2022

As the dust settled from the Glasgow COP26 meetings in November, Lord Deben, chair of the UK’s Cl...

The adults in the room need to stop scaring children

Amongst the many important developments that happened at the COP26 conference, one went mostly un...

2021 in review – the year that all roads led to COP26

To round off the year are extracts from some of the interviews that have featured in the Innovati...

The $10bn interventions that can halt future pandemics

Nigel Sizer, executive director of the Preventing Pandemics at the Source coalition, and former p...

From the Congo Basin: Market-driven solutions that preserve forests, tackle climate change and empower indigenous communities

In this 30 minute webinar, the latest in the From the Forest Frontlines series, hear from project...

From the forest frontlines: The Mai Ndombe REDD+ project, DRC

Audio only: in this 30 minute webinar, the latest in the From the Forest Frontlines series, hear ...

Why a 1.5C future will displace one billion people

This week: Andrew Wallis, CEO of UK-based trafficking and modern slavery organisation Unseen, tal...

Sustainable Apparel Barometer: what’s the future for viscose?

Liesl Truscott, corporate benchmarking director at Textile Exchange, Lucita Jasmin, director of s...

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Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
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