
Forced labour still picks Uzbek’s cotton

As the world’s fifth largest exporter of cotton, Uzbekistan is a nation that cannot be ignored by...

Business and deforestation – are companies going to meet their supply chain commitments?

In this webinar, the findings from two new reports from Forest Trends’ Supply Change initiative a...

Forest finance’s $200bn opportunity

The recent Greenpeace campaign that mobilised thousands of people to call on UK-based bank HSBC t...

How transparency has fostered innovation in palm oil supply chains

They discuss why transparency and trust have been crucial in the moves towards sustainable value ...

Apparel: the downside in going digital

More than 85,000 people descended on Munich last week for the annual sportswear trade behemoth th...

Forests, farming and food security – a frank discussion on how to engage Africa’s smallholders

They discuss how companies and their advisers, NGOs, local communities and all levels of governme...

Radical transparency and genome editing in agricultural seed development

Join experts from Walmart, McDonald's, Syngenta, Unilever, PepsiCo, Monsanto and many more at Inn...

Can the tide be turned on water use efficiency?

Access to water is a real problem. As the latest UN data suggests, the world faces a 40% shortfal...

What are the sustainable agriculture trends that will scale?

The resulting impact on the environment is significant – but for long term food security, we need...

The pressing need for global chemicals governance

“The production and use of chemicals has grown exponentially from the 1970s to today. At the same...

Is the Modern Slavery Act being sold short?

The behaviour of the Markowski brothers – who were sentenced recently to six years in prison for ...

Drive for deforestation jurisdictional approach continues

One of the biggest stories to emerge from the World Economic Forum in Davos was the promise of a ...

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